Collaborating for Impact

We believe collaboration can change the world when partnerships have the structure and support to thrive. LBC Action is the connector, translator, and facilitator necessary to make mission-driven partnerships effective.

About LBC Action

LBC Action partners with nonprofit, business, and government sector decision makers who are ready to approach problem-solving with a growth mindset. We provide the structure, support, and connections that mission-driven partnerships need to achieve real, tangible outcomes for our communities.


LBC Action is an affiliation of independent specialists who work together in made-to-order combinations to meet the tactical and strategic needs of our partners. Our team members work directly with leaders of LBC Action partners and deliver ownable results that promote wellbeing in communities across the country. Together, we’re nimble, efficient, and have years of experience collaborating on projects of all sizes.

Our Process

LBC Action fosters cross-sector collaboration for the greater good. We do that through a progression of integrated service offerings. First, we define your strategic goals. Second, we connect you to mission-minded leaders in the LBC Action network. Third, we create structures that result in sustainable, measurable results that benefit the communities you serve.

Why LBC Action

Generating positive social change cannot happen without crucial resources like philanthropic funding, policy support, and talent. Because these assets are finite, potential allies may see each as other competitors first, and partners second. However, that scarcity mentality impedes progress and shrinks the overall pool of support available from funders and policymakers. LBC Action was founded in 2018 to reframe that zero-sum outlook and to help leaders in the nonprofit, business, and government sectors adopt a more long-term, rising-tide philosophy.

Fresh Tracks

In late 2015, the Obama Administration issued a call for bold new programs that would use the outdoors to broaden horizons for diverse young Americans facing persistent opportunity gaps. The idea: bring aspiring leaders from urban and Indigenous communities together for a shared experience blending civic engagement, cultural-sharing, and outdoor exploration.

Outdoor Equity Network

Historically, organizations that connect youth to the outdoors have lacked data demonstrating how outdoor-based programming contributes to social sector outcomes. This data gap makes it more difficult for these groups to increase philanthropic and policy support for experiences that may inaccurately be seen as nice to have, but not critical for youth development and wellbeing.


LBC Action partner Blue Star Families is committed to creating vibrant communities of mutual support for military families. Blue Star Families knew from its own data that the outdoors contributed to social and emotional learning for military families, but needed a partner to scale their outdoor-based programming nationwide.